Author: admin Page 1 of 4
We monitored yogurt product samples that are commercially distributed in the market this year as well.
The add-ups are below.
The unit is mBq/kg. Please be careful not to misread.
If you single-click on the table of the results, images will be magnified and will get easy to see.
We monitored milk product samples that are commercially distributed in the market this year as well.
The add-ups are below.
The unit is mBq/kg. Please be careful not to misread.
If you single-click on the table of the results, images will be magnified and will get easy to see.
We monitored powder milk and liquid milk products that are commercially distributed in the market this year as well.
The add-ups are below.
The unit is mBq/kg. Please be careful not to misread.
If you single-click on the table of the results, images will be magnified and will get easy to see.
We put the results of urine monitoring from January to December 2021 together.
(N=31, We picked up only the first result of those who were monitored multiple times.)
We totaled the results of people except 20 people whose results were N.D.
Below are the results of radiation measurement.
Since the number of samples drastically decreased due to COVIT-19, we only
the distribution by radiation levels and regions.